A lawyer with six years of experience in the criminal law area. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section. Associated with the São Paulo Lawyers Association and the Brazilian Criminal Sciences Institute
Graduate degree in economic criminal law from GVLaw – Getúlio Vargas Foundation in 2019
Law degree from the Federal University of Uberlândia in 2017
Co-author of the article “Os novos contornos da prescrição penal no Supremo Tribunal Federal” (The New Contours of the Criminal Statute of Limitations at the Supreme Court) in the book “Principais decisões do STF em matéria penal” (The Supreme Court’s Main Criminal Law Decisions) from the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section, Special Committee on Criminal Law
Publication of the text of the opinion “ANPP: discricionariedade versus arbitrariedade” (Nonprosecution Agreements: Discretion versus Arbitrariness) in CONJUR